Wednesday, 27 December 2017



Personal user info is given to the defined person by the center to each sales person (sales representative). You can enter to CCI VOYAGE mobile system by using this info.
Connet to the system with an ok button (green tick mark) by entering your username was given to you, distributor code registered in the CCI VOYAGE system.

The screen that will be formed in the device after entering username and password that are given to you to CCI VOYAGE system is as seen below. ON this screen, registered name of the sales representative that is connecting to the system, office user, document types defined during the check-in of the sales representative by system keeper and km info of sales -order vehicle he /she used on the field.

After sales representative enters km info and clicks on approval button, the screen that comes up to the device is as above. This screen is the main screen where sales representative can select his/her outlet in the rut to enter the order and take the report of the sales/process, opening work approval demand form is made on this screen.

If there is any message sent by the center, message image will be seen on the battery mark on the left-upper side of the screen.

All button on the screen will be studied in details below.

on this screen sales representative monitors the outlet list is prepared by the office user (DVO) and put into the daily route of the sales representative. when "route inside" button under the menu is clicked, the sales representative can see all the outlets, not only the outlets in his route. He can transaction by selection and approving the outlet he will make sales in this list, The screen image is formed shown in the table after outlet selection is made.

On this screen, whatever transaction (order, verification etc.)is going to be made for the selected outlet realized with the relevant button.

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