Friday, 29 December 2017



In CCI VOYAGE system, the setting which sales representatives need be able to follow from the office is also made in this space. When you click on GPS button that is seen on the right screen above, you see a screen image as below:

On this screen, "Windows will lead", "Offline map" cartridges on the right-upper corner are marked. After the application is installed, settings described above are adjusted to automatically come in selected form.

If the device is installed for the first time, "G" letter will come up in the earth shape that is on the right -upper of the screen after waiting for 15-20 minute for detecting the first place. This means there is data connection between device and satellite and place info is being sent to CCI VOYAGE office map screen.

GPS Configuration Process in PDA

Step 1: Go to start and select setting

Step 2: Select external GPS from System tab                                                                                

Step 3: Select COM 6 and 57600 from Hardware tab

Step 4: Check in Manage GPS automatically option

Step 5: Login voyage and go to setting

Step 6: Select GPS

Step 7: Check in “Let windows manage” option

When GPS will connect then ‘G’ will appear in the magenda box as highlighted in the below screen shot:

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